Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Prestige

the prestige

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Directed by: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine

The word "magician" has become synonamous with cheap Vegas-style lounge acts and glorified street performers. However, there was a time, not so long ago when magicians were the rockstars of their day. They were macho bad-asses who twisted the laws of science in front of captive audiences and occasionally died for their craft.

The Prestige pulls this era out of it's hat and evokes a dark, puzzle-box narrative that will feel familiar to fans of Nolan's other recent film Batman Begins. Jackman and Bale play up and coming magicians who's professional and deeply personal feud has driven them both to the very limits of sanity.

The film's tagline: "Are you watching closely" should tell you all you need to know about the cleverly designed twists and subtle misdirection present here. Nolan does a fantastic job of manipulating the audience, making the whole thing feel like an elaborate two-hour magic trick.

My only complaint is that no one gets mauled by a white tiger. I mean, how can you have a movie about magicians without one single, tiger mauling?!?! So much for realism.

Score: 9/12 monkeys

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