Saturday, February 17, 2007

Saturday Musings

"But you should never be embarrassed by your trouble with living.
Because it is the ones with the sorest throats, Laura, who have done the most singing."

-Bright Eyes
"Laura Laurent"

Sometimes when you are not paying attention, you trip over some truth. You pick yourself up, brush off the dirt from the road and look at it. It seems a little out of place, a little wrong. You pick it up but it doesn't quite fit in any of your pockets so you carry it around for a while. It gets heavy, and awkward and you begin to think that it belongs to someone else. So you throw it away. Let some other poor sucker deal with it.

You trip over it again a little ways down the road.

Perhaps the problem is not this ill-fitting truth at all, but the road you are travelling down. Try a different road and see what happens.

Welcome to Saturday musings...A new addition to Infinite Monkeys. It's a little piece of my own brand of zen philosophy every week. Stop on by and if I'm not suffering too badly from a hangover, I'll throw up a new one. There you go, your weekends won't suck anymore. You're welcome.

Here's a little Bright Eyes to set the mood.....Why? Because I just can't get enough of Conor Oberst's musical poetry, and that means you can't either. Right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've been reading Silverstein. Keep blogging baby!
-Just a piece