Friday, February 09, 2007

Jesus Camp

Jesus Camp

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Directed by: Heidi Ewing, Rachel Grady

The media has gone out of its way in the past few years to show us the end result of Islamic fundementalism. I think we can all agree that kids walking into crowded cafe's strapped with explosives is a bad thing. Sadly, this type of reporting has led many of us to paint all Muslims with the same brush. Now, imagine for a moment if you will, what would happen if all Christians were judged based on documentaries like Jesus Camp. Airport security sure wouldn't be a cakewalk anymore would it? Kids aren't routinely blowing themselves up in the name of Jesus....Yet. But don't kid yourself; the battle lines are being drawn as we speak. One thing religious fundementalism teaches very well is how to pledge your undying love to some vague, nebulous idea while at the same time engendering hatred and loathing for those who don't share your beliefs. This type of "us" against "them" indoctrination is brought into sharp focus througout this wonderful documentary.

Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady do an admirable job of presenting the subject matter in an unbiased fashion. However, any rational person is going to recognise this for what it is: A very insidious form of child abuse. Watching these kids regurgitate dogma under the watchful eyes of their parents then collapse, weeping in a religious stupor is a truly horrifying experience. They are given an "education" in social and political issues such as abortion, the war in Iraq and global warming in the same way that Hitler "educated" Germany about the evils of the Jewish people. It makes me sick just thinking about it.

Normally I'd make some tasteless joke right about now. But this shit just makes me too damn angry. So think up your own tasteless joke, you heartless bastard.

Score: 9/12 monkeys

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