Sunday, December 31, 2006

Infinite Monkey Award for The Greatest Thing of The Year

The Infinite Monkey award for the greatest thing I've seen all year goes to...Drumroll please...Stephen Colbert's brilliant speech at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner.

Let's face it, jokes at the expense of George W. Bush aren't exactly high comedy these days. In fact, they rank right up there with making fun of special olympic athletes or the elderly. It's just too damn easy. It does, however, take giant balls of solid titanium to mock The President of the United States on national television while he is sitting right next to you.

Apparently, Baby Bush wasn't too pleased. Awww...Poor little fella'. If you asked me, it's WAY past time someone wrote this moron a reality check. Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob, meanwhile junior's "victory" in Iraq has cost more than 3000 young, innocent lives and all he's gotten so far is a gentle ribbing. Well, no one ever said life was fair, but at least we have people like Stephen Colbert to make us laugh at the injustice of it all.

Score: 12/12 monkeys & Infinite Monkeys Greatest Thing Award, 2006

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