Sunday, December 31, 2006

Infinite Monkey Award for The Greatest Thing of The Year

The Infinite Monkey award for the greatest thing I've seen all year goes to...Drumroll please...Stephen Colbert's brilliant speech at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner.

Let's face it, jokes at the expense of George W. Bush aren't exactly high comedy these days. In fact, they rank right up there with making fun of special olympic athletes or the elderly. It's just too damn easy. It does, however, take giant balls of solid titanium to mock The President of the United States on national television while he is sitting right next to you.

Apparently, Baby Bush wasn't too pleased. Awww...Poor little fella'. If you asked me, it's WAY past time someone wrote this moron a reality check. Clinton was impeached for lying about a blowjob, meanwhile junior's "victory" in Iraq has cost more than 3000 young, innocent lives and all he's gotten so far is a gentle ribbing. Well, no one ever said life was fair, but at least we have people like Stephen Colbert to make us laugh at the injustice of it all.

Score: 12/12 monkeys & Infinite Monkeys Greatest Thing Award, 2006

Friday, December 29, 2006

Finally some truth in advertising...

I'm not sure if this clip broke in 05' or 06' but who cares? It still deserves a place of honor in my "best of 2k6" compilation.

I often wonder just how many Dells went flying off the shelves after "Randy" gave them this glowing endorsement.

*Bonus: If you listen closely right before he hangs up he sneaks in one more "Porno!"

Randy, my hat is off to you...Now if only they came with a "left-handed mouse".

Tom Mabe OWNS a Telemarketer

Number 2 on my list of "awesomeness in 2006" is this audio clip of a telemarketer getting bitch-slapped by comedian Tom Mabe. If you are wondering why these annoyingly invasive calls are now mostly automated, here is your answer. It's much more difficult to convince a machine that it has just called a crime scene and may be an accessory to murder. By the end of this clip, I actually felt a pang of pity for the poor guy, which is amazing considering my usual reaction of wishing these people a slow, painful death.

Here It Goes Again by Ok Go

This should win an award for...umm...SOMETHING, damnit!

The week between Christmas and New Year's Day is one of my favorite times of the year. Boxing day sales make it easy to justify buying all the stuff you really wanted but your worthless family was too cheap to shell out for, all the "year in review" programs on TV make us nostalgic for a year that isn't even over yet, and nobody judges you for being drunk off your ass most of the time because, hey...It's the holidays!

I thought I would do my own "year in review", with a twist. Instead of regurgitating depressing news stories about the insane war in Iraq, or all the famous people who cashed in their chips, I thought I would put a positive spin on things and tell you about some of the stuff that made me smile/laugh in good 'ole 2006.

Here we have not only the best video of the year, but the most creative use of a piece of fitness equipment EVER. Unless you count that time that I used a skipping rope to tie up that cheerleader....Ummm....Nevermind. Forget I said anything.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Trailer Park Boys Christmas

Christmas Special Trailer Park Boys
Video sent by colbybear
Well you unappreciative bastards, here is my fourth and final gift. The complete one hour Trailer Park Boys Christmas Special. The great thing about this episode is it also doubles as a drinking game. Just take one drink every time the F-word is used and two drinks every time you see Julian take a sip from his ever-present rum and coke. It's fun for the whole family! Happy Holidays! See you in Rehab!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Robot Chicken Christmas

Robot Chicken -121- Christmas 2005
Video sent by clucker
It's amazing what a few motivated individuals can do with action figures and stop-motion animation these days. Welcome to the world of Robot Chicken. Seth Green and company have a special holiday message for you: Japanese inspired animation and Chrsitmas don't mix, and Santa is a coke dealer! Stuff that in your stocking. It's kinda' like "It's a Wonderful Life", except in colour, and with more laser battles. Enjoy!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past

ATHF - 209 - Cybernetic Ghost
Video sent by Smilee1

This just isn't right at all...That's why I love it so much...

On the second day of Christmas my love monkey gave to me....Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode for free!

Well this is about as close as the ATHF gets to a Christmas episode, so here it is for your viewing enjoyment. It features a swimming pool filled with elf blood. Don't say I didn't warn you, you sick bastard. HO! HO! HO!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas, South Park Style

woodland critter christmas
Video sent by limblessjudo

A nice, wholesome christmas episode. Sorta'...

Merry Christmas to all my loyal readers (both of you)! In the true spirit of the season, I'll be throwing up some gifts for your twisted enjoyment. A new one EVERY DAY until Christmas. That's four, in case you are mathematically challenged like me.

You've just unwrapped the COMPLETE "Woodland Critter Christmas" episode from South Park. And no, you can't take it back if you don't like it. I lost the reciept. Aloha!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A Complicated Kindness

Author: Miriam Toews

"There was a new sign in the Tomboy window. COME ON IN AND CHECK OUT OUR NEW MEAT DEPARTMENT! I stared at it for a while. And then I crossed the little parking lot and went in and walked to the back of the store and looked at the pieces of meat behind the glass. The butcher, who was also the man who opened the windows in church with a long stick that had a hook on the end of it, said hello and wondered if there was something he could do for me. I told him I was just checking out the meat.
This is the new meat department? I asked.
That's right, he said. We've expanded our selection. He spread his arms.
I nodded. It's nice, I said. It's very have a lot of interesting meat products here.
Yes, he said, we're very happy with it.
Yeah, I said. Well, me too. I smiled. He smiled."

-a complicated kindness
Miriam Toews

The passage above is just an appetizer in this wonderful banquet of a book. It's a straightforward narrative told from the perspective of 16-year-old Nomi Nickel. The simple, elegant prose draws you into the life of a little girl struggling not only with adulthood, but with the religious fundamentalism of her Mennonite community. Nomi bites, kicks and thrashes at the world in an attempt to understand why her family is falling apart, why her boyfriend is so aloof, and, most of all, how people can claim to care for you while at the same time imposing tortureous, inhuman dogma.

Despite the title, this is a brilliantly uncomplicated story. There are great depths of emotion to be found here, and an unflinching perspective so clear that you'd think Miriam Toews has written an autobiography of her own childhood experiences.

My only petty complaint is that it too short and I read it too fast. Not much of a complaint eh? Well, that's all I got. Deal with it.

Score: 11/12 monkeys

An Inconvenient Truth

Directed by: Davis Guggenheim
Starring: Al Gore, Al Gore's Laptop, Al Gore's Ego and Al Gore's Hypocrisy

Looks like Al Gore is running for political office again. He must be, why else would he produce this 90-minute campaign ad, not-so-cleverly disguised as a documentary on global warming? Our buddy Al spends most of those 90 minutes in front of a giant, expensive-looking powerpoint presentation, giving us the hard facts about the imminent demise of our planet. He quotes dubious sources that he simply identifies as "a friend of mine", or "My scientist buddy". He blames the current administration for their laughable enviromental policy while in the same breath claims that this isn't a political issue. He strangles a homeless guy and drowns a kitten.

Okay, he didn't do those last two things, but he might as well have. The zombies sitting in his studio audience would never question the infinite wisdom of Al Gore. Is that homeless guy okay? Who cares...Look, Al is showing a clip from The Simpsons!

I can't quite get my head around this "documentary". On one hand, many of the facts are quite staggering and the raw data is very sobering. On the other hand, we have an over-paid, ex-vice president driving and flying around the country telling us to try to cut down on our carbon dioxide emissions. Ummm, we can't burn any more fuel Al...You fucking used it all!

For over twenty years we have had brilliant, respected people like David Suzuki and Laurie David warning us about the environmental toll we humans are taking on mother earth. I urge you to visit their sites and contribute if you can. Hey, If it takes a snakeoil salesman like Al Gore to mobilize you into thinking about these issues, than I guess that's better than nothing. Just promise me one thing; if he ever does run for office again, run the other way.

Score: 2/12 monkeys

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Pick Your Pony!

For those of you who enjoy a friendly wager now and then, get ready because nothing says "fun" like betting on The Golden Globes! Seriously, it's the Superbowl for pop-culture junkies like me. Got any predictions? Care to make things interesting? Want to buy a monkey? Shoot me an e-mail and we'll get down to biz-nass.

For a complete list of the nominees go HERE

I'm actually pretty stoked about this year's awards. Who wouldn't love to see Sacha Baron Cohen hit the stage in full Borat gear to accept the award for best actor in a musical/comedy? Or Hugh Laurie bitch-slap the competition (as he should) and walk away with his second golden globe for House, M.D.? Or another drunk, idiot celebrity go on a racial slur tirade in front of millions of viewers? I can't wait! High Five!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Top 5 Worst Things You Can Do at the Office Christmas Party

Don't be this guy

Worst case scenario. Don't let this happen to YOU!

The holiday season means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. There are, however, at least two experiences that we all have in common. The first being our complete loss of basic human decency as we push through pregnant women, crippled children and the elderly to get our hands on this years hottest gift. The second is, of course, the dreaded office Christmas party. Remember last year? You still can't look Brenda from marketing in the eye can you? Somebody should have told you ornaments were flammable, right? Well, that's where I come in. The following are the top five behaviors to avoid at all costs. Getting drunk is optional, but highly recommended.

#5: Getting High

The only thing worse than being surrounded by drunk people who have the power to fire you, is being surrounded by drunk people who have the power to fire you while paranoid and hungry. Save this for the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer marathon later. You'll need it.

#4: "Forgetting" about the secret santa portion of the evening

No one will buy the fact that you "forgot" to pick up a ten dollar, crap-tastic gift for someone you barely know. Avoid the shame, stop at 7-11 on the way over and get some gift certificates or something, cheapskate.

#3: Telling the boss your awesome ideas about how to improve *blank*

Just because you read about it on the internet, that doesn't mean the CEO of your company is going to love the idea of rationing staples or installing hammocks or whatever. Remember: You are drunk and you work in the mailroom for a reason.

#2: Hitting on that hot new girl in marketing

She's probably in a state of near-panic to begin with. The last thing she needs is your drunk ass shuffling over and asking her what she wants for Christmas. Then telling her you have something you'd like to stuff in her stocking. Then taking her arm and leading her forcibly towards the men's room. The last thing you need is another restraining order.

#1: Suggesting the local strip joint as the logical next phase of the party

Leading the charge to Tom's Cats Adult Entertainment may seem like a good idea after a dozen shots of jagermeister. Some fellow alcoholics may even follow you. The ones that don't, however, will remember your vile "suggestion" and you will forever be branded "the office pervert". It's not as bad as being branded "the office sociopath", but it's close. It's damn close.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Who Killed the Electric Car?

Directed by: Chris Paine

I've been having a little problem with rage lately. Don't worry, I'm in therapy and the nice man in the white jacket says that I'll be fine if I can just stay away from the things that trigger my "episodes". You know what? I just finished watching "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and I'm off the wagon for good. Ah, sweet, sweet righteous anger...How I missed thee.

I think the best way to give you the vitals on this documentary is by providing you with a vulgar analogy: Let's say you are addicted to heroine. It's expensive, readily available and it will kill you eventually. Well, one day some guy comes up with a drug that gives you the exact same high as your precious smack, the only difference is it's cheaper and it is guaranteed to never, ever kill you. In fact, it may even make you healthier. This is a no brainer, right? Wait a second, not so fast my drug-addled friend. Your heroine dealer stands to lose a LOT of money in this deal. So he does what any self-respecting drug peddler would do...He destroys the new, safe drug and buries all evidence of it's exsistance.

I know what you're thinking, this could never really happen right? Well, it DID happen, but instead of "heroine", think "the internal combustion engine", and instead of "your smack dealer" think "government", "big oil" and "the automotive industry".

If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go light a puppy on fire. I might as well. Apparently no one gives a shit about things like social responsibility anymore. I'll fit right in.

This movie does lose a couple of points for featuring an interview with Mel Gibson describing how much better off we would all be if we embraced electric car technology. How's that for a glowing endorsement? A drunken, anti-semitic lunatic loves the electric car?! I'll take two!

Score: 10/12 monkeys

Monday, December 11, 2006

Why Lewis Black is my Hero...Reason #156

Lewis Black

Homosexual penguins?!? The inmates are indeed running the asylum...

I haven't yet seen the film "Happy Feet", but I am very familiar with Mr. Lewis Black and his left-leaning political rants. Here he is again, in fine form leveling his laser-guided rage at the critics of this harmless, imaginative children's film.

By the way, if you happen to agree with any of the "reporters" whom Mr. Black is criticising, please leave my site. You might find this more to your liking. Moron.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Chinese Translation

M. Ward Chinese Translation

You are getting sleepy...

Let's slow things down a bit with this pretty little song from Matt Ward, who goes by his stage name, uhh...M. Ward. Something about that stage name is really cool, I can't quite put my finger on it though...Ah, well.

This video is gorgeous. It's like a piece of zen art. I guarantee it will put a little smile on your face regardless of the kind of day you just had or are having.

You can find out more about Matt and his music at:

For those of you who are paying attention, yes I did just use the word "pretty". Get over it.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Dropkick Murphys

Spicy McHaggis

Al and Kenny tending bar. Hook me up with a Guinness mates!

Al Barr - Lead Vocals
Ken Casey - Lead Vocals, Bass
Matt Kelly - Drums, Bodhran, Vocals
James Lynch - Guitar, Vocals
Marc Orrell - Guitar, Accordion, Vocals
Tim Brennan - Mandolin, Accordion, Whistles
Scruffy Wallace - Bagpipes

Pssst...Hey, you. Yeah, you over there in the alternative rock section flipping through the Green Day cd's. Let me ask you a few things: Do you like REAL punk rock? Down-to-earth bands that don't take themselves too seriously? Dudes in kilts playing bagpipes and swilling Guinness? Yes? Then why the hell aren't you listening to the Dropkick Murphys? Sheesh...Kids these days....

The above video has the lads from Boston singing a tribute song to Spicy McHaggis, one of their two bagpipe players. Here is the essence of the Dropkick Murphys. I could have posted anything from one of their politically charged tunes like "Boys on the Docks" to one of their punk-a-rific covers of a traditional celtic ballad like "Black Velvet Band". Songs like the above, however, are what makes this band truly special. With all the angst, anger and negativiity oozing from "alternative" rock these days it's refreshing when these guys hit the stage and scream: "We are here to rock hard, drink beer, and have fun! Now quit whining and get in the fucking mosh pit!"

Okay, they didn't actually "say" that, but anyone who has ever been to one of their amazing live shows knows it's implied. I dare you to not get in the mosh pit. Nancy-boy.

Score: 12/12 drunk, Irish monkeys!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Johnny Depp is a pirate!

Johnny on Letterman

Great actor. Great Interview. 'Nuff said.

In honour of the release of "Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest" on DVD this week, I thought I would throw up a clip from this Johnny Depp Interview. This little chat with Letterman took place waaaay back in July, during the promotional run for this film. Needless to say, I'm a huge Depp fan, and this movie was one of the most entertaining films to hit theaters this past year. Be sure to check it out. The final film in the trilogy is going to swagger into theaters reeking of rum and saltwater in summer '07. Arrrrr Matey!

What's not to like about a trilogy that has pirates, Johnny Depp, and an undead monkey? You might say: "Well, they are Disney movies..." Okay, fair enough. But Depp's performance as Captain Jack Sparrow transcends Disney's usual schlock. If it is guilty of one sin, I guess that would be the sin of it's own financial success; jaded film buffs that usually avoid high-grossing "summer blockbusters" are missing out on some classic cinema here. So put down that film-festival award winning, foreign language film and go rent/buy this immediately. Tell them an undead monkey sent ya'.

Humans are no longer the dominant predator on the planet...


Where was this video shot? The Island of Doctor Moreau?

This video is exhibit "A" in the case that I am currently building against a group of mad scientists who have plans for world domination. Now I just need to locate their Island Fortress and stop them from breeding this thing with a ninja wolverine or something.

Seriously though; do any of you think this is a good idea? I was a huge Steve Irwin fan and he was tragically killed by a STINGRAY! Do we really need these things running around?!? Perhaps I am just being paranoid but I had a vivid nightmare last night after watching this video. A nightmare in which human beings were no longer running things on planet Earth. Sure, the environment was much better off and there were no longer any petty wars fueled by religious intolerance, but our Liger masters demanded that we hunt giant birds and mice for them and leave them at the doors to their caves.

George W. Bush and the religious right have a problem with stem cell research, but nobody has a problem with THIS? Where are our priorities people?

I'm going to go now and buy all the catnip I can afford, just in case our new masters need a "dealer" in the new world order.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Hour

Host: George Stroumboulopoulos

I should probably be sleeping right now, instead I'm working on my list of "the top five people with whom I would love to have a beer". My avid readers out there -both of them!- can probably guess who is currently sitting in the number one spot. The man pictured above just made number two. Lucky him! When is a good time to call you and set it up George? Tommy isn't returning my calls...Sorry, in case you are not one of my two avid readers, here is the list so far:

1. Tom Robbins
2. The guy with FIVE! syllables in his last name and host of CBC's The Hour

You may have noticed that I didn't post a video clip of the show in question. The reason for this is quite simple: I want you to actually watch this show, not just "You Tube" it. Remember your poor, neglected television? He does still have a couple of things worth watching and he misses you. Here's a link to the offical website you lazy bastard. Do I have to do everything for you?

Check it out? Back already? Good. Did you happen to notice the casual way in which George conducts interviews with fascinating people? His intimate relationship with the camera? His personal ramblings and general accessibility? It's almost like watching a close personal friend fumble brilliantly through an hour of television, after daring him to do it at a drunken party the night before.

This is Canada's own Jon Stewart at the top of his game. Mixing pop-culture with heady politics in a style all his own. Give an hour of your time to The Hour. You won't regret it.

Score: 12/12 CANADIAN monkeys

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Christmas is about to come a little bit early for millions of people around the world thanks to researchers from the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab. They are poised to stick a nifty little piece of software called Psiphon into the collective stockings of people living in totalitarian regimes.

Countries like China, Iran and Saudi Arabia have long been restricting access to much of the internet with nasty firewalls that keep their citizens from learning about little things like, oh...The Tiananmen Square massacre. This devious little fella' will allow users in those countries to "piggyback" into the 'net on the connections of those living in more open-minded countries like the United States and Canada. It's a simple idea, the kind of idea that makes you say things like:"Damn! That's so crazy it just might work..."

According to Ron Deibert, director of the Citizen Lab project it is very difficult -if not impossible- to detect, so nobody has to worry about the local thought police busting down their doors in the middle of the night.

Is anyone else really happy about this and proud to be a Canadian today? If you're not, then you damn well should be, skippy. This is a tiny step forward in what has otherwise been a whole lot of steps backward in the world lately. Information is indeed power and it's time to give a little bit of it back to the people.

Even if it doesn't work as advertised, it is -like many of the greatest Christmas gifts- the thought that counts.