Monday, October 16, 2006

Tigers sweeping Oakland

Few things are more glorious than watching an underdog kick the shit out of the competition. Kinda' like when I asked my boss for a raise and he said: "You don't even work here. Put the knife down and we'll talk about this....SECURITY!" I've been a Detroit fan since I was a kid, although for the last 22 years admitting that is like admitting I have a venereal disease. Watching them bitch-slap the Yankees in the ultimate David vs. Goliath story was awesome; watching them sweep Oakland in four games was a previously unseen level of awesomeness. I took the monkeys over to the little league field, gave them gloves, bats and Oakland jerseys. I played the role of "Detroit". Needless to say, I kicked the living shit out of them. Go get 'em Tigers!

Score: 11/12 monkeys

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