Friday, February 09, 2007

THIS is News?!?!

The recent death of Anna Nicole Smith and the subsequent media feeding frenzy is just one more symptom in this disease of mistaking human tragedy for entertainment news. I'd just like to assure my loyal readers (both of you!) that my idea of "pop-culture" does not include this brand of morbid, ambulance-chasing journalism. Besides, we were all familiar with Anna Nicole and her lifestyle, is her death really newsworthy at all? It's like picking up your local newspaper and seeing this as the headline on the front page: "Having a Lot of Money Can Make You Rich, Experts Say". I think the fact that she lived as long as she did was more worthy of our collective interest than the story of her inevitable death. When did our idea of "entertainment" shift from reading a good book or watching a good movie to this sort of thing anyhow? The lives and deaths of the rich and semi-famous may be fascinating but they ARE NOT NEWS anymore than my death would be a "tragedy" if I took enough methadone to kill an elephant and washed it all down with three bottles of whiskey. I feel sorry for her children and the people that loved her that she left behind. That's it, end of story. She wanted to be Marilyn Monroe....Well, mission accomplished.


L. Noelle said...

I was going to blog about this myself, but I have so many other things I'd like to discuss. Our News/Media is in a pathetic state! Pathetic. There are Thousands of Important, Relevant Issues that should being talked about, not Anna Nicole!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. It's hardly a shock is it. I put it on mine as I know where she is coming from ... I mean .. well I don't know what else to say really. I'm at gledwood2.blogspot if you'd like to drop by you're most welcome. Take it EZ, nice blog.
