Monday, May 07, 2007

They're On To Us!

Those U.S. defense contractors are an incredibly insightful bunch. They have once again foiled Canada's plans for world domination. It seems that after receiving one of the ubiquitous "poppy" quarters in their change on a recent trip to Canada, the contractors in question logically assumed that it contained some sort of sophisticated spy technology. See the full story here.

It is important to remember that these are the same people behind the frighteningly Orwellian "homeland security" and "patriot act". These are grown men who still have the boogeyman living under their beds. If they can't keep us safe, well...Anybody can.

Okay guys, I guess the spy quarter was a bad idea. I mean, it's pretty obvious. Back to the drawing board. Perhaps we will have more luck with the mind-controlling drugs in Tim Hortons coffee or the highly trained army of ninja beavers. Or Celine Dion. Because when I think of the world falling under the ruthless domination of Canada, I think Celine Dion.

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