Thursday, May 17, 2007

Chillin' With Charlie The Unicorn

After that last post I've decided that I need to chill out a little. Need to focus my chi, balance my yin with my yang, inhale serenity and exhale thoughts of murderous rampages. Or I could just get high and watch Charlie the Unicorn.

Wow, I feel better already. What war in Iraq? Who's the president of the United States? Isn't it that old actor dude? Talking unicorns are funny. I can't believe I ate the whole bag of corn chips. Damn, I should be a doctor or something.

"Candy Mountain, Chaaaaarlieeee." I don't think I'll ever get tired of that.


micasue said...

very funny...I liked the over pronunciation and the dancing and singing letter song.

Anonymous said...

next time you think u need to chill out with charlieeee,,sober up first then punch yourself in the nuts!! i hate you as much as i hate that for some reason i can't get charlie outta my head and actually am thinking i might watch that piece of shit again,,