Friday, January 05, 2007

30 Reasons Why the Earth is Worth Saving

According to a new poll released yesterday by Decima Research the environment is now the top issue on the minds of Canadians, eclipsing old standards like health care and foreign policy. Not only are we worried about the health of our planet, we're worried that our elected representatives aren't worried about it enough. That's an awful lot of worry. It's also good news, in a way. People are finally begining to realize that temperatures of 50 degrees celsius on January 5th are not only abnormal, they can be downright hazardous to our health.

If you make only one resolution is 2007, how about setting aside the egocentric "I need to lose weight" bullshit and make it "I'm going to do something nice for the planet" instead. If at this point you are sighing, rolling your eyes and calling me a tree-hugging hippie freak consider this: If you do plan on exercising in the new year, it would be a good idea to concentrate on your swimming, because if these warming trends continue global sea levels could rise by more than twenty feet within the next century. That puts places like south Florida and Manhattan Island completely under water.

Still not convinced? Well, take a look at the above video. It's a slideshow of Earthshots top 30 "photos of the day". It really is a beautiful planet, and it's worth saving.

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